
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Share the Love

This year at Valentine's Day, my church is trying to share some love with a really deserving little girl in our community.  Her name is Abbey and she's an 8 year old little girl with an inoperable brain tumor.  She LOVES to receive cards in the mail so this year at Valentine's Day we're trying to send her a ton of valentines to show her that there are people out there thinking about her and sending some love her way.  We did the same for her birthday and she ended up getting 155 birthday cards and sent us a thank you with a photo of herself sitting on the floor surrounded by cards!  We're trying to beat that number this Valentine's Day.  I remember being a little kid and getting so excited to get something in the mailbox just for me!  It's just a little something we can do to brighten the day of a sweet little girl with a pretty gloomy future.  If anyone would like to share the love, send me a private email and I can give you her address.  Hope everyone has a happy Valentine's Day!  XOXO


  1. Hi! I was nominated for a Leibster award which is for new/newish bloggers with under 200 followers. In turn I get to nominate 11 bloggers. You are one of the bloggers I am nominating. It's just something fun to do to connect with other bloggers and get to know them better. Details:

    Jackie (The Non-Martha Momma)

    P.S. - as far as I could tell all of the nominee's I selected have less then 200 followers, but I apologize if I am incorrect

    1. Thanks Jackie! Question--how do you know how many followers a blog has? Is it the same thing as members?
